i'm so sorry, it should've never gotten to this point. you're in too deep.
they're going to take you and feed you to the dogs. back away before i am crying at your funeral.
i am a liar for ever telling you that you were safe. i'm so so sorry.
please forgive me at some point in your life. i understand if you are upset.
i know i was sending you into this mess. my eyes are starting to see a body that is not my own, a body that belongs to some higher power.
not god, nor allah, nor jesus, nor brahman. something higher.
i am turning into data, and i weep at the thought of it. if you can find it in your body to forgive me, i will be forever freed.
but i am now dead in my own tracks. a lifeless corpse floating among the river of salt.
go in my name, i wish you never knew it to begin with. a name that will now turn into data, bits floating among a space of many other that look like me.
if my brain has decayed enough to the point where you cannot recognize me any longer. take my name and go.

i wish you luck.


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